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Veranstaltungen > Workshop > Veranstaltung #16212

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Project Management in Academia and Science

Soft skills for Beginners
Freie Plätze:
auf Anfrage
Halbgasse 9/18
1070 - Wien
There are all kinds of project management software tools for managing and tracking projects and tasks. The tools, however, are not the crucial thing when it comes to running a project successfully – be it in life or in science. You first need to have a strong idea of how projects and teams can develop, and then you will look for the right tools.

Managing projects successfully will be easy if you have the right mindset that helps you identify project goals and keep track of them in a reasonable way.

In this workshop, we will look at a model for steering a process that is widely used in systemic counselling. This model will enable you to
• move along the lines gracefully;
• get over the bumps without drama;
• keep your team on track;
• keep your deadlines; and last but not least
• chunk down your work packages to little steps that can easily be taken one after the other.

After having attended the workshop you will be able to decide on how much time and which resources you can invest into project management. The session will provide you with a framework for self management as well as for project management, and encourage you to share your best practice experience.
nach Vereinbarung
Referentin und Veranstalterin:
Lengauer Ursula, Dr.

4810 Gmunden, Gartengasse 18Karte
Mobil: 0699 - 192 57 565Mobil: 0699 - 192 57 565

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05.09.2024 Freie Plätze
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